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PodGear: ShuffleStation and PocketParty

Unless we're much mistaken PodGear gets to collect the prize for first company to come up with external speakers for your iPod Shuffle. As well as the PocketParty for the hard disk iPods, there's also the PocketParty Shuffle, designed especially for the little flash player. Two mini speakers sit on either end of the plug in module, which is apparently of similar dimensions to a fun-size Mars bar. One watt of Stereo output pumps out from the two speakers and it will run for up to 10 hours from a single AA battery. But if you're really serious about listening to music sans headphones on your shuffle, you'll need the Shuffle Station. This is a portable speaker system which runs from the mains or from 4xAAA batteries, charging the iPod Shuffle at the same time over USB. The player plugs in upside down, but since there are hardly thousands of knobs and dials to contend with, this shouldn't prove too much of a problem. The normal Pocket Party is £25 and available now; PocketParty Shuffle is also £25 and will be out late April; and the Shuffle Station is £35, available mid March 2005.


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Posted by Shiny Media on March 7, 2005 in MP3 players | Permalink


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