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Xbox 360 on your mobile?
Ok, you can't fit Microsoft's new gaming machine into your phone - but you'll soon be able to receive alerts when your friends are playing online whne Microsoft integrates MSN messenger into the console.
Messenger is already included as part of a compact version of Windows for mobile phones. The big problem for Microsoft is that only around 18 per cent of smartphones and PDAs in Europe use Windows Mobile as the operating system. By far the most popular software is Symbian.
The plan for mobile alerts is in line with Microsoft's aim to bring together its various online services under the Windows Live umbrella. With Windows Live, Microsoft is aiming to provide a one stop shop that brings together a range of services, such as email, search and other elements.
Source: The BBC
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Posted by modculture on December 19, 2005 in Gaming | Permalink
i think it is a graet idea so that you can chat with your friends and it also means you arent forced to buy or to use a pc and you can arrange tournaments etec.
Posted by: patrick thoms | Mar 29, 2006 4:59:21 PM
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